charging Bison hurt a nine-year-old child in Florida. old news

A nine-year-old girl from Odessa, Florida” was hurt on July 22, 2019, in Yellowstone National Park by a charging bison.

The incident happened in the vicinity of Old Faithful Geyser’s Observation Point Trail. The bison was charged after about fifty people—including the girl and her family—were allegedly within five to ten feet of it for at least twenty minutes. The girl was thrown high into the air by the bison, and before she hit the ground, she was shown on camera flipping completely. The child’s parents, who were there for the incident, were observed turning away as the bison charged.

After that, the youngster was brought to the Old

Faithful Lodge, where park emergency medical personnel gave her some initial care. After receiving care at the Old Faithful Clinic, she was afterwards escorted back. Interestingly, reports indicate that she was just slightly hurt in this encounter.

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