A 32-year-old teacher man was arrested for sexually inappropriate texting of a school child. The charges come from online discussions that purportedly occurred among October and December of 2023. The conversations took place both on campus and over a Discord app.

The understudy, who has been recognized as a 15-year-old, made a report to Plano police in January 2024. The casualty likewise blamed Allred for undesirable contacting while nearby. The supposed actual contact started with Allred contacting her under the work area, scouring her over her garments and contacting her inward thighs, as indicated by court archives.

The conversations, according to those court documents, became more racist over time. The victim provided police detectives with screenshots of conversations. The casualty told analysts Allred got some information about “the shade of her clothing and discuss his sexual craving for her. The archives likewise uncover “he was unable to hold back to kiss her” and would “discuss sexual dreams with his


The suspect’s vehicle data was imparted to watch officials working, and an official detected the suspect vehicle, as indicated by HVPD. In the wake of checking the warrant status on the vehicle, the official started a crime stop at 10:26 a.m. on Justin Street. Allred was arrested and set up for the Good country Town City Prison. He was subsequently set up for Collin Region Prison and posted bail.

The Special Victims Unit of the Plano Police Department is continuing its investigation into the incident and is asking anyone with information regarding this or any other offenses involving Allred to call 972-941-2044. FOX 4 announced that Allred was in correspondence with different understudies on the equivalent application he used to speak with the casualty who alarmed police.

statement of Allred

Allred denies the unwanted touching or having graphic conversations with the student.

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